الثلاثاء، 20 يناير 2015

Women's Roles in 1920s : The Flapper Image

The Flapper Image

:Setting the Scenes
Immigrants began transforming the Unite States into an urban nation. The new arrivals helped form a more complex urban culture. The Flapper symbolized this revolution. The term describes a new type of young women
:How to describe Flappers
They are fun-loving, informal in manner, slim and boyish in form, covered in silk and fur,and has red cheeks and lips. Of course, not all young women become Flappers

:Women’s Changing Roles
Women stood at  the center of much of the social change in the 1920s. Both single and married, had been in the work force for a long time. During the war, they raised in numbers and got better and higher-paying  jobs.

:The Flapper Image
The Flapper only represented a small number of American women. Yet her image has an impact on fashion and behavior.
What happened is theta stylish young women began  wearing dresses shorter than their mothers did. The fashion page of the New York Times declared in July 1920 that “the American women..has lifted her skirts beyond my modest limitations”. Between 1913 and 1928, the average of fabric used to make a woman’s outfit shrank from 19.5 yards to just 7 yards
Women also broke with the past in other ways.While most of their mothers grow their hair long, they cut it short. Women’s manner changed as well. Before the 1920s, “Proper” women rarely drank  anything much stronger than wine, much less smoked in public. To express their freedom many women were doing both. All those changes shocked American society and emerged many parents.

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